Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Currently on display at the Jane Kim / Thrust Projects gallery in New York City is a self-titled exhibit by Momoyo Torimitsu, featuring dozens of cast resin sculptures imitating melting chocolate Easter bunnies. Scattered throughout the gallery, some of the bunnies form groups, and some stand alone; while some are standing, others have fallen over. We were warned to step carefully, as some of the sculptures had already been trampled on. They're all in various levels of melting-ness — while some are perfectly intact, others are grotesquely deformed, even angry-looking. Some appear to be bending over, almost in prayer. Some seem perfectly happy to be there.

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Lily said...

who cares about the art, the main thing is how they taste!!! And they do look delicious!

alilbit said...

MMMmmm chocolate in any form huh? Yummy!