A Native American tribe in South Dakota collects bottle caps left by campers, using them as currency. Several banks in the area now recognize the caps as legal tender.
Fish have "dandruff" caused by flaking skin, and it is impossible to filter all traces of it from drinking water.
Moths are unable to fly during an earthquake.
The first case of the common cold was diagnosed in 1611 in Stratford, England. The patient? John Common, who coincidentally gave his cold to William Shakespeare who said the new malady exacerbated his lovesickness, thereby inspiring several of his most fondly remembered sonnets.
"Hello Kitty" began as part of a covert propaganda campaign originally proposed by Prime Minister Tojo during World War II.
When in heat, female hippopotami secrete an oil with a flavor similar to strawberries. Kalahari bushmen use the oil to make flat-bread treats for children.
If an average human scrotum were stretched until all its wrinkles were smoothed out, it could hold a basketball.
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