Monday, December 11, 2006

Wonder If It Was A Sweet Tooth?

HUNGRY Martin D'Arcy found a tooth in his pot of custard rice.
The 58-year-old said: "I was on my fifth mouthful when I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my cheek. After washing off the custard I was horrified to find a bit of tooth."
Martin, left with a cut gum, fired off a letter of complaint to Muller - who sent him back £8 in vouchers to say sorry.
Initial tests have revealed the fragment in the Custard Rice is most likely to be a tooth.
A spokesman for Muller, which makes 2.7 billion pots of rice a year, said: "This is the only complaint of this kind in the product's history.
"We can only speculate how this occurred."
Chauffeur Martin, from Bracknell, Berks, joked: "I want them to get the root of the problem. I want the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth."

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