MORRISTOWN -- A Dover man wound up in jail for a robbery in which he got caught by making Herr's his.
Francisco Holguinrojas, 29, of Dover, was charged with burglary and taken to Morris County Jail on $25,000 bail.
Police said witnesses saw Holguinrojas, who was wearing a red and white jacket, break into Gold's Newsstand, also on Morris Street at about 4 a.m. Wednesday. The witnesses told police officer David Tissot, who was at the Morristown Diner, also on Morris Street.
Tissot and officer Michael Molnar found a broken window to the left of the door. The burglar had knocked over an ATM machine inside.
Police searched the area, and minutes later, Lt. Steven Sarinelli found Holguinrojas near the eastbound side of the train station eating from a bag of pork rinds with bloodied hands.
Sarinelli called Molnar, who was still at the scene of the burglary and asked whether the store sold the same brand of pork rinds, Herr's. Molnar told Sarinelli that a display stand near the point of entry had the same brand of pork rinds.
Holguinrojas, caught with his apparently ill-gotten gains valued at $1.98, was then arrested. He was positively identified by witnesses.

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