Cheney going hunting on Election Day(Is This Allowed????)November 5, 2006 - Vice President Dick Cheney will be spending Election Day on his first hunting trip since he accidentally shot a companion last February.
A spokeswoman says after working at the White House Monday morning, Cheney will head to South Dakota to spend several days at a private hunting lodge near Pierre. Cheney's press secretary says Cheney spent Election Day in 2002 at the same lodge.
The vice president will be accompanied by his daughter, Mary, and his political director, Mel Raines, who will help him keep track of the election returns.
During a February hunting trip in Texas, Cheney shot attorney Harry Whittington in the torso, neck and face while aiming at a covey of quail. The vice president later called it "one of the worst days" of his life.
The shooting was ruled an accident. Whittington was hospitalized for six days.
Posted 5:48pm by Logan Smith

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