Saturday, November 18, 2006

She Knows What You Are Thinking

LOS ANGELES, Calif.--Thousands privately doubt her abilities.
"And I'm sick of sensing that," said the renowned psychic Madame Claire, speaking on her call-in show last Thursday.
In response to the widespread contempt, Claire has changed the format of her program. She now answers viewers--none of whom have physically written or called into her studio.
"Stock broker Gordon Dannett of 3029 North End, I could mention a couple of fake predictions you made to clients," she said during Friday's broadcast. "So don't you be making fun of me."
When caller Arnette Luss complained inwardly about reaching a mere 'psychic associate,' Claire responded immediately on the air. "I don't have time to pick up ***everybody***--which is more than Ms. Luss can say.
"She's lucky her husband isn't clairvoyant," the psychic added.
Enraged viewers have undertaken a class-action suit to bring down the show.
"We're demanding that she keep our thoughts to herself," said one man, who declined to give his name.

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